The road less travelled - Count it all Joy!
It is no coincidence that there are always less people that go down the hard road rather than the easy. A road less travelled is a lonely one but often one that leads to a beautiful destination. Living for God may be simple but it isn’t always easy. Does that mean that we should avoid doing God’s work? Certainly not! The Bible says that we should rejoice and count it all joy when we fall into different trials and temptations for the trying of our faith produces patience (James 1:3) and to be counted worthy of persecution should be something to leap for joy about (Luke 6:22-23). It also says that we shouldn't be surprised when we come under trial as if something strange is happening to us (1 Peter 4:12). The truth is, if we are not bumping into the devil it’s probably because we are heading in the same direction as him. Try going the opposite way and see what happens! Unfortunately, many Christians have been lulled into having a comfortable life and will not trade that for anything. Any hint of difficulty and they’re nowhere to be found! But God says that if we persevere until the end we shall receive a crown (James 1:12). Life is tough and today’s problems, while different from New Testament times, are just enough to deal with as they had back then. However, now is not the time to faint. In fact the Bible encourages us not to faint or grow weary of doing good as that’s when we will reap a harvest (Galatians 6:9). Read the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 3. Notice, the three still had to go through the fiery furnace. God didn’t get them out but he kept them unscathed while they were in there and He only appeared to them after the fire got seven times hotter.
In a time when everyone is heading in the same, easy direction, be someone that goes against the grain. Take the road less travelled. Go through the narrow gate (Matthew 7:13). "Don’t go where the path may lead. Go where there is no path and leave a trail." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
"You may be a minority but your minority will change the majority." ~ Martin Phelps
Be blessed!