The Word of God is like a protein shake...
We often use analogies to highlight truths in God's Word. Jesus did it and so do we to make the Word of God more understandable and applicable to everyday life.
Last week we heard that the Word is like a protein shake (stay with us on this!). You don't really know how good or beneficial a protein shake may be until you try it and you see that it could make you stronger or improve your performance. Once you see the benefiits you want more and more.
It's the same with God's Word. We don't realise just how beneficial it is until we start to take it and see the results which leads us to want more and more. The more you have, the stonger you get, the more you want.
However, while in this day and age we have the Word of God widely available (more than ever in the form of books, preaching, teaching, different Bible translations), the average Christian spends around 15 minutes in the Word per week. It is like starving and going to the supermarket but not buying anything. The food of God's Word is widely available but no one is going to the store. That is the reason that no one really knows the Word enough to bring any power down.
There are weak Christians everywhere but God has not intended this. He gave us power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19). We have authority but sadly without knowing it, understanding it or applying it, it holds no power.
This week, remember who you are and Who's you are. Go to the store of God's Word and build yourself with its goodness.
Like our bodies, our spirits need fuel, it's time to bulk up guys! Take the Word like a nourishment and build yourself up!