Praying in the Spirit
One area the enemy has attacked the most in the body of Christ is praying in the Spirit. Isaiah prophesied that even though there is a refreshing and a rest in praying in tongues that we wouldn't do it (Isa 28:11-12).
Given all that we know about the power of praying in tongues, Isaiah was right to say that we 'wouldn't' as the majority of Christians pray very little in tongues.
Last weekend we heard that nothing can describe what you need to pray for better than praying in tongues. There is no better language than the spiritual language. In fact, although there are very eloquent languages in the world and even more dialects (the current number of world languages stands at 6909 according to the Ethnologue Catalogue), no language can go as deep as tongues.
The truth is we don't know what to pray for (Rom 8:26) and even if we did, we cannot pray on the level of the Holy Spirit. We cannot work things out with our limited, natural mind (1 Cor 2:14).
To pray in tongues effectively you have to practice. Just like when learning a new language. The more you do it the better you get. In fact they say that to learn a language properly it is best to go and live in the country for a while.
Even if you are fluent in a language, if you don't use it often enough you get rusty. Often, bilingual people go back to their country of origin and need a little time to get back into the flow of speaking in their language again.
It is the same with praying in tongues. If you've been out of practice you may need a little time to get back into the flow. Give yourself time to get in the swing of it and don't be disheartened when it doesn't take off straight away. Get back in the flow by practicing every day.
Even 5 minutes of praying in tongues can set your whole day up and consider that it may well take less time to pray for the things you need to if you are praying in the spirit. Also, by praying in the spirit you are praying things out that God already knows will happen. God is protecting you in advance.
So, start today and make praying in tongues part of your daily prayer.