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The Secret to Success in Life

The key to a successful Christian life starts and ends with the Word of God and our relationship with Him. There is no quick fix.

The Bible says that if we want to deal wisely in the affairs of life then we must meditate on the Word of God (Josh 1:8). To meditate - (hagah) means to murmur, ponder, mutter, imagine, roar, speak, study, talk, utter.

We must meditate on the Word of God and not on our problems because what we think is what we say and what we say is what goes into our spirit and will shape our lives.

Ask yourself these questions:

Am I murmuring problems, gossip or God’s Word?

Am I pondering problems, challenges in life or God’s Word?

Am I imagining problems, fears or God’s Word?

Am I muttering problems, life’s challenges or God’s Word?

Am I speaking the problems, issues, challenges or God’s Word?

Am I studying (Internet, Google, news, etc) about the issue, sickness, problem, challenge or God’s Word?

Am I talking (to others, myself, etc) the problem or talking God’s Word?

Am I uttering the problems, issues, challenges or am I uttering God’s Word?

Remember just because you are speaking God’s Word does not mean that you are denying the existence of problems. The Bible says that we should speak to the mountain, not deny its existence (Mark 11:23).

However, it's you, YOU have to meditate on the Word of God for yourself. YOU have to believe it. No one else can do it for you. YOU have to have your own relationship with God. YOU have to work out your own salvation (Phil 2:12). YOU have to build your relationship with God. Not your pastor’s relationship, not husband’s or wife’s, not your children’s, but YOUR relationship. You have to know God for yourself. You have to meditate you have to believe God’s Word.

Life brings challenges but God brings solutions and the only way that you will find the solutions is by studying the word of God (2 Tim 2:15) and by muttering it, meditating in it.

1 John 4:4 says: ‘…greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world’. However, God is only greater if we allow Him to be. God absolutely is the greatest, but if we do not allow Him to operate in our lives or don’t believe Him to be, then whoever we are focusing on, whatever we are confessing, that is what is greatest in our life.

Start today. Begin by setting out some time each day to study God’s Word. Choose a time that is good for you. Early morning, in the evening, during your lunch break at work. Remember this is about God and YOU. Find some old notes and go through them reading along in your Bible. Listen to a teaching and follow the scriptures in your Bible and write them down and meditate on them or look up scriptures that relate to your problem/situation and meditate on those until those truths become more real than your situation! There is no doubt about it. The Word works, if you allow it to and it has the power to transform your life.

We’d love to hear your testimonies. Write in and let us know what God has done for you through meditating on His Word.

Stay blessed and see you this weekend at Oceans CONNECT. To find out more click here

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