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Faith is a Gift from God

Last week we discussed the issue of not having to 'get' more faith because we have all been given THE measure of faith at salvation (Romans 12:3) but rather that we need to get rid of the unbelief that is hindering our faith (Matthew 17:21). It’s possible to have great faith and unbelief working at the same time. The unbelief that is present counters our faith. The answer isn't to get more faith but to get rid of the unbelief. Read last week's message entitled 'Because of your unbelief' to get more on this.

Along the same lines, it must also be said that faith is a gift from God (Ephesians 2:18). The kind of faith that is required to believe in the supernatural is the God-kind of faith that can only come from God Himself. You see the kind of faith that is required is not natural, human faith. Natural human faith trusts in what it sees, knows and understands logically. It may go as far as to trust that a chair will not collapse when you sit on it or that an aeroplane can fly without understanding fully how it works but it is still based on a certain amount of knowledge and trusting in our human senses. Believing for what we do not see requires a faith beyond our human faith. It requires the God-kind of faith. God didn't leave the responsibility of believing on us. He knew that we couldn't get that right. He made sure as always, that He made provision even for that.

This is great news as it takes the pressure off of you and me. So many people put pressure on themselves to believe but we have been given the God-kind of faith which is a gift from God, lest any man should boast.

Ephesians 2:8 says, 'For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God'.

If you believe that you constantly have to 'get' faith you will struggle to believe that you ever have enough faith to do anything. Believing that way puts the onus on you but God wants us to look to Him for everything, even our faith.

'Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.' Hebrews 12:2

So how do we activate this God-kind of faith? If this faith is supernatural and goes beyond our 5 natural senses, if it is not our own natural faith, how can we have God's faith imparted to us?

The Bible is very clear. Faith comes by hearing the supernatural Word of God.

'So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.' Romans 10:17

If God's faith is supernatural and goes beyond our understanding, then God's way to impart it to us is supernatural and goes beyond our understanding. We may not understand how it works but the Word of God has supernatural faith-giving powers and works regardless of our lack of understanding of how it works. It is like a seed and when planted it produces faith.

In many accounts in the Bible, people got healed, set-free and delivered AFTER they heard the Word. The woman with the issue of blood heard about Jesus before she moved in faith to come to Him and receive her healing. Hearing God's Word is the most fundamental part of receiving God's faith. The other part is not doubting which means removing all inroads of unbelief from your life.

Today: Choose to hear God's Word. Don't worry if you understand the principle behind how it works; just get it in to your spirit. The Word has power in itself to produce faith. Think about when you were first born-again. Did you fully understand what was going on or did you just believe when you heard the Word? It is usually the latter for most people.

If we had to rely on ourselves to believe God we never would. We would always have a job to bypass our brains and our natural way of thinking. Thank God that He did not leave it to us to believe for ourselves. He provided His faith as a gift, which comes by hearing His Word.

So today practice hearing His Word and allow His faith to enter you heart. Eliminate unbelief by removing inroads to doubt and see the power of God move in your life!!


Oceans Church London

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