Live for God and leave a legacy
Yesterday we said farewell to a general of the Christian faith. Evangelist Billy Graham. No doubt heaven is celebrating his arrival and he is hearing the words: "Well done my good and faithful servant". Billy Graham left a legacy and achieved so much in the 99 years he lived on this earth. He was a true example of someone who lived full and died empty. We may think that we are not all called to great exploits that draw massive crowds and have a wide impact and that may be true, not everyone is called to a big ministry; but we are all called to make an impact to our surrounding world. We often leave ministry to our leaders but the Bible says that we are all called to ministry. In fact, we as the saints are required to do the field work while our leaders are there to build us up and prepare us for ministry (Ephesians 4:11-13). (By ministry, we mean a number of different ways of affecting our world e.g sharing the Gospel, healing the sick, financing the Kingdom, affecting government policies, helping people to be healthy, teaching children the Word, being an influencer and generally being light and love in a dark world). However, life and the attacks of the enemy can get in the way of our God-given purpose so that over time, we lose the passion, zeal and fervour for what He has called us to do. We lose the desire and inclination to go for it! We become passive and just try to cope with day to day life. But God has called us to more than just day to day living! He has called every one of us with a unique purpose. Our job is to find out what that is and run with it. We pray that this message encourages you to stir the gift that's in you through the laying on of hands (2 Timothy 1:6) and to get your enthusiasm back for the calling of God. Ask yourself the question, when it's time to depart will they miss you when you're gone? Will they miss what you did for them? We are all called to a purpose and life is just not fulfilling if you are not achieving yours. If there is a holy frustration in you right now, it may be because you are not in the centre of God's will. You're getting by but you're not thriving. Today ask yourself some honest questions. Are you happy where you are? Are you doing what God called you to do? Do you know what God has called you to? If not, how can you find out? The Bible says to seek and you shall find, ask and it shall be answered, knock and it will be opened (Matthew 7:7-8). So ask, seek, knock. Don't allow the disappointment of past failures to keep you back from the very exciting will of God. Remember, whatever God has called you to do, He will equip you for. So it's not in your strength. He will also provide the finances and the people. All you have to do is to walk in it (Ephesians 2:10). Don't wait any longer. Today is the day that you make that decision to really live for Christ and His purpose. No more mediocrity. No more settling for less. No more limits. God will judge us on what we did for Him not how well we coped with the day to day. Let's live above these earthly circumstances and achieve great things for God! Bless you all as you follow Christ. Oceans Church London