No need to fear - Part 1 - God Is In Control
God taught me how to live without fear – it really is possible – He is an awesome God and so protective of us, if we will allow Him to be.
Fear will always try to come on us, to pop into our head, to give us a jolt in the pit of our stomach but it is what we do with that fear that will determine whether we live free from it or succumb to it.
God has given us all we need to live in freedom, peace and joy. As you read through this blog every time a scripture is mentioned, please, turn to it in your bible, say it out loud, declare it over you, your life, your children, your situation, your circumstances and personalise it. Make these scriptures your own. God intended for you to receive them and own them for yourself right now! Not next week or next year or when it "feels" right but right now, in spite of how we feel!
God is in control – If we allow Him to be
If God is for me who can be against me (Romans 8:31)
The Bible constantly tells us not to fear, because God is our protector, our provider. (Isaiah 41:10) (Philippians 4:19)
The Bible tells us that God will not permit any evil to befall us. (Psalm 91:7-10)
The Bible tells us that God will rescue us from all harm. (Daniel 6:26,27)
The Bible tells us that God is with us always, even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)
The Bible tells us not to worry because God cares for us. (1 Peter 5:7)
If we truly believe all of these scriptures then why are we fearful?
We see people fearful of the simplest of things from spiders, wasps, each other, to serious sickness, wars, terrorists - why? Do we not believe our God when He says “fear not!”
If we are fearful then we are saying that the Bible is not true, that God is lying.
If we are fearful then we are putting more faith in the fear than we are in God and His Word.
If we are fearful then we are telling God we do not believe what He says.
If we are fearful then we are spending more time thinking and talking about the things that frighten us than we are thinking and talking about the things of God.
How do we get rid of fear? There is only one way. It is the same for princes and paupers. Pastors and lay men. Rich and poor. Drunks and company directors. Young and old. It really is simple and straightforward -- Spend more time with God! Read, BELIEVE and DO what His Word says. SPEAK the Word of God about ourselves, our lives, pray and come to church. Do all of this and you WILL GET RID OF FEAR
God constantly tells us not to fear. There are so many instances in the Bible with stories of encouragement about God’s provision and protection even in the most extreme circumstances. Take David for example. David believed what God had told him. (1 Samuel 17)
David was alone in his defiance of Goliath. When the whole army were quaking and King Saul was intimidated what was David’s first thought and word? “Who is this philistine who thinks he can defeat the God of Israel” His brothers and the other soldiers were obviously embarrassed by David’s faith in God and also a bit convicted so they mocked him and said “Just who does David think he is!!” Did David allow that to influence him? No! Was David embarrassed by His faith in God? No! Did David just be quiet and do nothing? No!
David had his own relationship with God. He spent time with God in praise and worship and prayer. He trusted God. He had his own experiences of faith with God so when this challenge came up it was no different to any other challenge David had faced.
David defeated Goliath because of His faith in God. In God’s Power. In God’s ability. David had no need to fear as all of his hope, faith and trust was in God’s abilities not his own.
So who is your faith, hope and trust in? Who is in control in your life? Is God in control? He can only be in control if you allow Him to be. If you are walking with Him and doing what He says.
When fear tries to rear its ugly head, as it will, we can forget all about God and what He said and we side in with the rest of the world and become really fearful, worried and upset.
That is not God’s best for us. He does not want us to live in fear for our lives or in fear for our future. He wants us to live trusting Him, knowing Him and what He can do for us, the sacrifice that Jesus made and what He paid the price for.
Do not let Jesus suffering and death be in vain. Believe God! Believe the bible!
Say out loud:
I trust in the Lord with all my heart (Proverbs 3:5)
In God I trust I will not be afraid (Psalm 56:11)
I will trust in the Lord forever (Isaiah 26:4)
Have a great week and catch part 2 next week.