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No Need to Fear Part 2 - Who Do We Believe?

Last week we started a teaching on “No Fear.” (No need to fear Part 1) That we really can live without fear. God has said it. He does not lie.

Remember though we have to play our part. We have to BELIEVE and SPEAK out the Word of God and resist and reject the fears.

Our foundation Scriptures:

God is our protector, our provider. (Isaiah 41:10, Philippians 4:19)

God will not permit any evil to befall us. (Psalm 91:7-10)

God will rescue us from all harm. (Daniel 6:26,27)

God is with us always, even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)

God has given us all we need to live in freedom, peace and joy but we have to do our part too. God can only do what we allow Him to do. He can only be involved in what we permit Him to be involved in. If we are listening to bad reports, watching and talking rubbish and junk then bad stuff, rubbish and junk is what we are going to think and what we are going to say.

God Is My Rock (Psalm 18:2)

Who do we believe? God and His Word or the Rubbish and Junk of the World?

When the world is saying there is no God, who do we believe? (Isaiah 45:12)

When the world is saying there is no hope, who do we believe? (Romans 5:2)

When we see and hear tragedies and we are told that it is all on its way to us, who do we believe? (Psalm 91:7,8)

When people tell us we are useless/will never get anywhere/achieve anything, who do we believe? (Philippians 4:13)

When there is sickness all around who do we believe? (Psalm 91:10)

When there is no money/food, who do we believe? (Philippians 4:19)

When we are being threatened, who do we believe? (Isaiah 41:11)

When we see the threat of war, who do we believe? (Matthew 24:6)

When we see terrorism, who do we believe? (Isaiah 41:10)

When we are actually feeling sick/diagnosed, who do we believe? (Isaiah 53:5)

When our home is unhappy, who do we believe? (Psalm 4:8)

When we are tempted to worry about a problem/situation, who do we believe? (1 Peter 5:7)

Things will happen around us all the time, but even if it LOOKS like all is lost, if we are spending time with God we will KNOW what GOD SAYS about every situation and we will hold fast - ALL WILL BE WELL

How do we know that all will be well? Because that's what God said. How do we know what God said? By reading our Bible and spending time with God. By SPEAKING His Word. If we are not spending time in our Bibles, we will never know what God says about us or life or the world or the future or even the present.

Reading our Bibles will not make God love us more, He loves us even if we don’t read our Bibles because He is love, but it will teach us and remind us of everything we need to know about living a carefree, safe, happy, healthy and prosperous life all to our good and His glory and let us get to know and trust Him more and more and not what the world around us screams from the TV, the newspapers and most conversations!

In the scriptures there is a very relevant story exactly about this. It’s the story about a man named Jairus. He BELIEVED what Jesus said and not what the crowds of people around him or the circumstances said. (Mark 5:21-23)

Jairus’ daughter was ill and he asked Jesus to come to his house to pray for her. Jesus said he would. As they set off one of Jairus’ servants arrived and said it was too late the little girl was dead. Well the whole place went into fits of crying, weeping and wailing and for a moment Jairus joined them as he was genuinely upset, understandably so, his daughter had just died, but Jesus told him not to believe or to be bothered by what anyone else said but to believe and trust in Him and what He said, then his daughter would live.

Jesus set off to go to Jairus’ house. The crowd tried to follow Him but Jesus would not allow them to. He only took Jairus, Peter, James and John with Him. He said the rest of them must stay there.

Jesus knew that the crowd would create unbelief and He cannot operate in unbelief. If it was today and how you react to situations and circumstances in your life today - which group would Jesus put you in? Would He have taken you with Him or would you be in the group He refused to allow to come with Him?

When they got to Jairus’ house the same thing happened. People were weeping and wailing and causing a fuss. Jesus asked them “why?”, had they not heard that the girl would live? They mocked Him. The girl was dead and nothing would change that.

Jesus made them all leave the house. He only took the mother, the father, Peter, James and John into the room with him. Again, if it was today and how you react to situations and circumstances in your life today - which group would Jesus put you in? Would He have taken you into the room with Him or would you have been put outside?

Out of all those people only Jairus, his wife, Peter, James and John believed Jesus. It really didn’t take very many to believe for Jesus to perform a miracle. All He needs is faith in Him. Jairus’ daughter was raised from the dead that day! So, in spite of all the weepers and wailers and all of their negativity and bad reports Jairus and His wife BELIEVED Jesus and their daughter lived!

When you think of which group you would be in please do not condemn yourself if you would be one of the ones left behind or put outside.

Just make an adjustment in your thinking to believe God no matter what. The wonderful thing about God is that He is merciful and holds nothing against us.

You CAN live free from fear of what the world is saying about you, your circumstances, your neighbourhood, your children – Only believe and all will be well.

Say out loud:

I BELIEVE in God and I BELIEVE what He says

I praise God for He has given us Angels to watch over us

Praise God I am Free from fear

Praise God I am Healed

Praise God that I have Hope and Joy and live in Peace

Praise God that I am Saved, Safe, Protected and Provided for

Have a great week and catch part 3 next week.

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