No need to fear Part 3 - Watch What We Say
This is our final week of teaching on “No Fear” Link to part 1 here and part 2 here.
What comes out of our mouth is so important. No matter how much of the Word of God we know, read and confess, if we are counteracting it with negative, nasty and bad confessions we are destroying ourselves. (James 3:6)
Our foundation scriptures are:
God is our protector, our provider. (Isaiah 41:10, Philippians 4:19)
God will not permit any evil to befall us. (Psalm 91:7-10)
God will rescue us from all harm. (Daniel 6:26,27)
God is with us always, even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)
Watch What We Say and What We Allow Ourselves to Think About
Are we praising God continually because He is good, not just on the good days when everything is hunky dory? Are we continually confessing His faithfulness and goodness or are we speaking every thought that pops into our head bringing ourselves down?
Evil/negative thoughts unspoken die an unborn death. Evil/negative thoughts spoken give birth to evil/negative things.
God says it is not what we put into our mouth that defiles and damages us but it is what comes out of our mouth, in other words what we say can defile and damage us and stint our spiritual growth. (Matthew 15:11, James 3:6)
God tells us to be careful not only with what we say but also with what we think. He says to think on good things. We have a choice. We can build ourselves up with our thoughts or pull ourselves down with our thoughts. (Philippians 4:8)
We can talk ourselves into fear or confess ourselves out of fear. Jesus tells us things will be happening around us, but we are to look up to Him and fear not. (Luke 21:25-28)
We can feed ourselves positively or we can feed ourselves negatively. Who/what are we spending most of our time with on a daily basis? Are we watching lots of TV? Are we reading novels and magazines? The TV programmes may be harmless, the magazines may be harmless, and we can do all of these things, but if we spend ALL of our spare time watching TV, playing games, even harmless silly games on our phones, reading magazines and no time or very little time in the Word of God and in prayer then we make ourselves weak. We leave ourselves open and exposed because we have allowed these things to eat our spare time when that spare time could be better spent building ourselves up in our most holy faith, (Jude 1:20) speaking to ourselves in spiritual hymns and psalms. (Ephesians 5:19-20)
God also says to be careful who we have as friends, who we hang about with and where we go. This all makes a difference to our spiritual growth. We can have friends, just be aware of what they say. Are they building us up, encouraging us in all the right things? Remember what we “hear” affects our spiritual growth. If our friends are “saying” the wrong things, then they are feeding us junk.
If you are only feeding your spirit junk food then your spirit will not grow, and you will believe everything you hear and become fearful, just like the world.
Please do not think that all unsaved people are bad and that all Christians are great. Some unsaved people have better/happier/more positive confessions than some Christians!
We need to feed ourselves on all the right spiritual food. Either we feed ourselves on fear, sickness and bad things resulting in us living in sickness, dread, fear and not a good place at all or we feed ourselves on the Word of God believing what He says is true and overcoming sickness, dread, fear, living in a good, joyful, peaceful place.
We need to take our confession, what we say about ourselves and our situations very seriously. We can never rise above what we say.
We shouldn’t be mad at people if they think we can’t do certain things because if we are telling them we can’t do it, or we are frightened then that is what they will believe of us.
When we say “I’m useless at…………." whatever you believe you are useless at, is that a negative confession? Yes it is. So we need to either say “I’m getting better at …………..” or say nothing at all. Or if someone says “I can never do ……………." whatever it is you believe you can never do, is that a negative confession? Yes it is! It’s a negative statement which creates a negative state of mind. We must learn to have a positive outlook. There are better ways of saying things. Just think better of ourselves. My mum and granny always used to say “if you can’t think of anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all”. Wise words, and that applies to speaking about ourselves and our situations, not just about other people.
Always think “What does God say about me, my abilities, my potential?”
YOU are master of your own destiny. YOU are in control of what comes out of your mouth. YOU are in control of what you think about. Kenneth E. Hagin always used to say “You can’t stop a bird from flying around your head but you can certainly stop it from building a nest in your hair”. We should apply that principle to our thoughts. Do not let it take root.
God says - Whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise let your mind dwell on these things. (Philippians 4:8)
Consider what you think about and what you talk about. It may be true, but if it is not lovely, honourable, pure or of good repute then don’t discuss it. It will only bring you down.
We have attached to this blog a set of scriptures for you. For every negative thought or confession that the enemy or circumstance would try to get you to believe we have listed scriptures saying exactly the opposite for you.
Confess these every day. Say them out loud so you can hear them. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. Get them into your spirit and you will not be defeated. You will not be depressed! You will not be anxious! You will not be fearful!
Have a truly blessed week.
For every negative thought that enters your head there is a positive scripture to refute it. Below are just a few of God’s promises to YOU. Don’t just read them from here, turn to them in your Bible and loudly declare them over yourself!
Get to know God for yourself. We get to know Him through His Word. Learn to use God’s Word and you will walk in the freedom Jesus bought for YOU.