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Prayer Part 2 - How Do I Pray?

Last week we started a teaching on “Prayer” (Prayer Part 1 – What is prayer) that we have to build our relationship with God through His Word and prayer. This blog on prayer is not a theological teaching on prayer. This is stripping it back, making it simple, saying what God said about prayer, how to do it and why to do it. Later in the blogs we will also cover specific prayers.

Remember - Each time a scripture is mentioned turn to it and speak it out loud, take ownership of it, it is yours. Put your name in there. Even if you have turned to it before and you know it, it doesn’t matter, get your bible out and turn to the scriptures. Just reading the blog isn’t good enough

Pray in Jesus Name (John 16:24)

We pray to God the Father in Jesus Name

Jesus taught His disciples how to pray and had it written down so we would also know how to pray.

We pray God’s Word in Jesus name. We pray in faith believing that God is real, that He is there and that He hears and answers our prayers (John 16:24) (Hebrews 11:6).

Jesus told the disciples that after He was crucified and resurrected they would change how they prayed (John 16:23).

He told them that whatever they asked the Father for in His name (Jesus) The Father would give it to them (John 16:24).

The Bible tells us that God will supply all of our needs. So if we have a need we can pray to God our Father (ask and receive) in Jesus name and trust God to provide that need according to His Word (Philippians 4:19).

The Bible tells us that because Jesus died on the cross and took our sins and sickness, that when we get sick we don’t have to stay sick, so if we are sick we can pray to God our Father (ask) in Jesus name and receive healing (1 Peter 2:24).

The Bible tells us that we do not have to be fearful of anything because we can pray to God our Father (ask) in Jesus name and receive freedom from fear (2 Corinthians 3:17).

The Bible tells us to have faith in God and to believe we receive when we pray. If we believe we receive when we pray it shall be granted to us. We have to believe the Bible no matter how we feel or what is going on around us (Mark 11:22-24).

We do not pray “for Jesus sake” we do not pray “in God’s name” we do not pray in “no name,” we must pray “in Jesus name”. If we pray to God our Father in Jesus name, there is nothing that God will not give us (John 16:23).

We can put the “in Jesus name” at the beginning of our prayer, in the middle of our prayer or at the end of our prayer, it really does not matter where it is as long as we use that name and ask and believe.

We can pray standing up, we can pray sitting down. We can pray lying down, standing on one leg! We can pray quietly, or we can pray loudly. Where we are or how we sound isn’t the point - praying to God our Father in faith in Jesus name believing we receive when we pray is all that God requires to answer our prayer. We must also pray according to God’s Word.

If we do not know God’s Word we cannot pray God’s Word, so we need to read, study and obey God’s Word every day.

So, let’s recap. How do we pray?

1. Pray to God our Heavenly Father in Jesus’ name (John 16:23)

2. Pray God’s Will from His Word (Matthew 4:4) (Luke 4:4)

3. Believe that He is there and that He wants to answer our prayers (Hebrews 11:6)

Have a great week and catch part 3 next week “Why should I Pray”

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