Prayer Part 5 - Prayer for Baptism in the Holy Spirit/Tongues
We are teaching on prayer for baptism in the Holy Spirit/Tongues this week.
Remember - Each time a scripture is mentioned turn to it in your Bible and speak it out loud, take ownership of it, it is yours. Put your name in there. Even if you have turned to it before and you know it, it doesn’t matter, get your bible out and turn to the scriptures.
The Holy Spirit Teaches Me The Truth (John 16:13)
Who Is The Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit is the third part of what we call the Trinity. The Trinity is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Right from the very beginning of time to the end of the ages He always was and always will be, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit always work together. (Genesis 1:1-3) (Genesis 1:26) (Matthew 3:16-17)
The Holy Spirit is our Helper. (John 16:7) (John 14:26)
The Holy Spirit is our Guide. (John 16:13)
The Holy Spirit is Truth. (John 14:17) (John 15:26)
The Holy Spirit is Wisdom. (1 Corinthians 2:7,10,13)
The Holy Spirit is Power. (Acts 1:8) (1 Corinthians 2:4)
The Holy Spirit can teach and lead us how to pray in English but then when we are baptised in the Holy Spirit, He can pray with us when we pray in tongues. (Romans 8:26)
Every Believer Should Be Baptised in The Holy Spirit/Tongues
Every believer should be baptised in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. (Acts 19:2-6)
This is for every believer. It is not just for special/holy/ people, but like anything from God, we must receive it. God will not force us to take anything. He doesn’t force people to get saved so He certainly would not force us to be baptised in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
However, He wants us to be baptised in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues because when we do, we pray out secret things that will make our lives and our families’ lives better. It brings us closer to God and it builds up our spirit. (Jude 1:20)
3000 Baptized In One Day, Why Not You Today?
After Jesus died and rose again He visited His disciples and other people many times over a period of 40 days.
The disciples were about to leave Jerusalem but Jesus told them not to, that they should wait until they had received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, that the Holy Spirit would give them power and boldness to preach the gospel to every nation.
Jesus had even told them this before He died and rose again. He said He would not leave us alone that He would send a helper. (John 14:16-17) One who would lead us into all truth. (John 16:13) The day of Pentecost was the fulfilment of these promises.
On the day of Pentecost the disciples were all gathered together in a room praying when the Holy Spirit descended on them and they were all baptised in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
People in the town heard the disciples praying in different languages (tongues). Some tongues are heavenly languages and some are languages that people would recognise.
On that day in Jerusalem there were many nationalities around and they all recognised their own language as the disciples prayed in tongues and they were amazed.
There were people from Cyprus, Crete, Arabia, Egypt, Rome, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Greece, Asia, Syria and Judea.
All the people went to see what was going on, what all the noise was about and who was speaking in their languages declaring the mighty deeds of God?
They were amazed to see these uneducated disciples speaking in so many different languages. This got their attention.
Peter preached the Gospel to them and 3000 people got saved that day and then they ALL got baptised in the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:1-41)
These people were from all over the world. There were priests, children, doctors, lawyers, farmers, nurses, mums, dads, butchers, bakers, every type of person, every colour and every nationality, yet they ALL got saved and they ALL received the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
You see God does not care what colour our skin is, how well we are educated or where we are from, He baptises whoever will receive.
God wants YOU to be baptised in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. All we have to do is believe in Jesus, want to be baptised and then receive it.
I remember that I struggled with receiving the baptism/tongues. I read and studied it in the bible. I read loads of books about it. I believed, I just could not receive.
There was a girl I met and she was a baby, baby Christian. She attended the prayer meeting and bible study that I also attended and when we prayed she prayed in tongues with everyone else. I didn’t!
Now this girl still swore occasionally and she still smoked cigarettes. She was changing all the time and would eventually quit swearing and quit smoking.
I went to God and said “Truly I’m not judging this girl (and God knew my heart, I truly wasn’t) I just wanted to learn how/why? She still smokes, she still swears, but she is able to pray in the Holy Ghost and I can’t. I don’t smoke, I don’t swear, I am doing my best to do all you tell me when you do but I don’t speak in tongues, why God?”
God said to me that every gift is for every believer. All we have to do is believe and receive it. She believed and she received. Simple as that. The problem wasn’t with God, the problem was me!
Also I was still being a bit religious in thinking that because I didn’t smoke or swear that my good behaviour should be enough for me to receive.
I then got the revelation. God has provided everything for every believer who will believe and receive. God is not withholding anything from us or judging/condemning us, we really do just have to receive.
I made a decision right then and there that even if I never spoke in tongues I would preach it as true. If I never got healed or became prosperous I would preach it because it was true. If God said it then it was true.
People are so proud, they think if it’s not happening in their life then it’s not so. It’s not for today. That is calling God a liar.
Just because it isn’t happening in our lives does not make the Word of God untrue, it just means we haven’t learned to walk in it yet.
Be encouraged every promise in the Bible is for YOU. Regardless of who you are.
If you haven’t received the baptism of the Holy Spirit/tongues and you want to then pray the prayer below and receive.
Contrary to popular believe you do not NEED anyone to lay hands on you. You can have someone pray with you and lay hands on you but it is not necessary to receive. Remember all we have to do is believe and receive.
I got baptised in the Holy Spirit/tongues, on my own, in my sister’s house, sitting at her dining room table. I finally believed and I finally received!
When you pray and receive you must open your mouth and speak. You must work with the Holy Spirit. Don’t just open your mouth and expect God to speak for you.
When we speak in our natural tongue we form our words just before we speak so we know what we are going to say before we speak. We think it will be the same with tongues, we will know exactly what we are going to say in the spirit. You won’t! Just open your mouth and speak out loud. Take that step of faith. Speak as if you were going to speak in English.
Pray now -
Father God, I believe all of your Word is true. I believe in the baptism of Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. I believe that when I open my mouth I will speak in tongues as the Holy Spirit gives me expression (now open your mouth, receive and speak)
Pray in the spirit every day and watch your spirit man grow!
Have a great week and catch Part 6 – Prayer of Consecration/Dedication next week.