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Prayer Part 6 - Prayer of Consecration/Dedication

We are teaching on “Prayer of consecration/Dedication this week.

Remember - Each time a scripture is mentioned turn to it in your Bible and speak it out loud, take ownership of it, it is yours. Put your name in there. Even if you have turned to it before and you know it, it doesn’t matter, get your Bible out and turn to the scriptures.

Here I am Lord, send me (Isaiah 6:8)

What is Consecration/Dedication?

To consecrate or dedicate is another word for giving or setting aside for a special use, especially ourselves. We should consecrate/dedicate (give) our lives to God to use as He sees fit. (Isaiah 6:8)

That does not mean that we go into a convent or monastery and never come out again. God needs us to be in the world, so He can reach it through us. So, we should dedicate all that we have and are to help Him reach the world. (John 17:16-21)

Again, that does not mean that we should not go to school/university or have a job, we must! God needs people to work and earn money to support the church and the work of the Gospel. (2 Corinthians 9:7-8)

God created a beautiful world for us to live in and enjoy, so live and enjoy. (Genesis 1:31)

He wants us to thoroughly enjoy ourselves in this lifetime, to do what we love whether it is ski, skate, play football, sing, swim, fly, sail, fellowship with friends, go to the movies, live in a nice house, do well at school/university have a great job, but do all of this dedicated to knowing God, loving God and serving God.

Each day we should dedicate ourselves, our lives, our families, everything we have for the service of God. (Romans 12:1-2)

When we go to school/university we should go dedicated to serving God while we learn. (Colossians 1:10) (Ephesians 5:15-17)

When we go to work we should go to work dedicated to God as we serve others and work for companies. (2 Timothy 2:15) (Titus 3:1-2)

When we do anything, we should do it well and do it as if we were doing it for God Himself. The Bible tells us to do all things as unto God. This pleases Him. (1 Corinthians 9:23) (Philippians 2:14-15)

When we get up in the morning we should ask God what we can do for Him today, instead of always asking Him to do things for us. (Isaiah 6:8)

We should also listen when we pray. Prayer is a two way conversation. We might not hear God immediately or in an audible voice, but we should always take time to listen when we pray, especially in a “prayer of consecration/dedication.” (Psalm 46:10)

Take time to just sit in His presence, listening. Have your Bible open ready for God to lead you to a scripture or listen for His leading and guiding. (John 14:26)

This is also a good time to ask Him questions. Then sit quietly and listen. If you do not hear the answer immediately, do not fear. God WILL ANSWER you.


Zacharias and Elizabeth both served in the temple of God. They were very holy people. Everyone in their community loved and respected them.

Both Zacharias and Elizabeth were old, past child bearing age, but God blessed them with a son and they called him John as per God’s instructions. (Luke 1:5-13)

God told them that John was going to be special and that they both were to be very careful with him making sure that according to Jewish Law he ate all the rights foods and was kept pure and holy so that God could use Him.

John was a good child and he learned how to listen to and obey both his parents and God.

John grew up to become a prophet. He lived at the same time as Jesus. He was just a few months older than Jesus and related to Him.

Everyone called him John the Baptist because he went around preaching and baptising people in water.

Everyone respected and listened to John the Baptist. He was a holy, upright and honest man.

John was a man who knew how to consecrate/dedicate himself to God. John completely gave his life to the service of God. He took himself away from everyone else and dedicated himself to prayer and fasting. He lived in the desert for many years, wore animal skins and ate honey and locusts

We need to follow John’s example of consecration and dedication. That is, his attitude to prayer and obedience to God’s will. We do not need to follow John’s lifestyle. This is where people make mistakes. They look at men and women of God and think “I’d love to do that” and set out to become what they think they should be without actually consulting God.

God has an individual plan for each of us.

We do not need to go live in the desert and eat locusts and honey. That was God’s plan for John.

We do not need to wear bear skins and open sandals. That was God’s plan for John.

We do not need to preach the same way John did. That was God’s plan for John.

We need to find out for ourselves what God wants us to do and where He wants us to go.

We know that God’s basic plan for all of mankind is health, healing, prosperity, peace, joy and a long life. It tells us this in His Word.

But His life plan for each of our lives is different and when we consecrate and dedicate ourselves to Him He will reveal to us, one step at a time, what He wants US to do for HIM.

The prayer of consecration/dedication is the only time that you should say – “If it be your will Lord,” because you are asking Him what He wants you to do. Where He wants you to go. How He wants you to give your finances (not tithe, we already know how to tithe).

If you have never made a prayer of consecration/dedication to God then maybe now would be a good time. Take the time to sit quietly and give yourself to God.

Below is a prayer in case you aren’t sure what to say:

“Father God I love you. I want to get to know you intimately. I want to serve you with all that I am and all that I have. I want to be used by you. I give my life to you. I give everything I am and everything I have to you. I will go wherever you send me. I will do whatever you tell me to do. I will listen to you. I will obey you. Here I am Lord, send me. Whatever your will for me is I will do it. In Jesus Name”

Part 7 “Prayer of Faith" next week.

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