Finding and Living God's Plan - Part 3
Last week we discussed how we can hear from God concerning the will of God for our lives. We discovered that by delighting yourself in the Lord that He gives us the desires of our heart, desires that we identified, are actually His desires. By spending time with God and in His Word and more specifically worshipping Him (delighting in Him), we are open to His heart and we become transformed in our thinking so what He wants becomes what we want.
This week we are continuing to explore how we can hear from God. While it is good to delight in Him and we should, we also need to know the Bible and have the Word to guide us. A lot of Christians do not let the Bible get in the way of what they believe. Meaning, if they already believe something, the Bible is not going to change that. However, the Bible clearly says that we should renew our minds through the Word of God. It also talks about the traditions of men nullifying the Word of God (Mark:13). This is serious and probably the number one reason most Christian religions have moved away from what the Bible actually says.
In Psalm 119:130, it says that the entrance of His Word brings light. It says that His Word (the Bible) brings illumination. Most people fall down at this very thing: they do not understand HOW that works so they dismiss it. I mean how can a word on a page make so much difference. And because it makes no sense people do not place enough value on it and therefore never plant it in their hearts and never see results. The thing is these are not just words. Jesus said that 'My Words are Spirit and they are Truth'. God's Words are Spirit. They are life-giving forces of power that have the power to change your thinking and your life.
All of that said, it is theregore of utmost importance that you know the Word before you embark on finding out anything else from God. The Word of God is the first place you'll hear Him and it is the preferred way to hear Him. Granted, the Word cannot tell you specifics like what job to take or who to marry, but it can give you an indication of the type of person to marry or the type of industry that may bring Him glory. It also opens up a part of yourself that enables you to hear the Holy Spirit more. I often hear God speak to me while reading His Word. It's like His Word is a channel or frequency whereby the voice of God both spoken and written, can travel through into your spirit.
The Bible also talks about meditating on the Word. Once you know it you should spend time meditating on it as often as possible. Joshua 1:8 says, that by meditating day and night in the Word we will have good success.
So get to know the Word and then meditate on it day and night.
The next truly powerful thing that you can do to hear from God or get revelation is to pray the Ephesians prayers in Ephesians 1:16-23 and Ephesians 3:14-21.
These prayers are powerful to pray over yourself or anyone else who needs revelation from God. However, don't just recite them as they are. Personalise them. Where Paul is referring to others in the prayer, you put your name in there or 'I' 'I'm' 'Me' 'Myself'.
Here's an example:
16 (I) Cease not to give thanks for (myself, other person), making mention of (myself, other person) in my prayers;
17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, Father of glory, (that) (You) may give unto (me, them) the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of (You):
18 The eyes of (my, their) understanding being enlightened; that (I, they) may know what is the hope of (Your) calling, and what the riches of the glory of (Your) inheritance in the saints,
19 And what is the exceeding greatness of (Your) power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of (Your) mighty power,
20 Which (You) wrought in Christ, when (You) raised him from the dead, and set him at (Your) own right hand in the heavenly places,
21 Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:
22 And hath put all things under (Your) feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church,
23 Which is (Your) body, the fullness of (You) that filleth all in all.
Ephesians 1:16-23
This is a very powerful way to pray for revelation but is it something that you have to repeatedly do until you get it. You have to persevere. Keep at it until you find the answer.
Kenneth E. Hagin prayed these prayers for 6 months before he got a revelation by God about demons and the authority of the believer, which has changed so many lives. So consistency is the key here. But it will not fail you. These are Biblical principles that work because the Word works.
Believe me. These are not just words in a book. These are THE Words of almighty God.
So read them, hear them, pray them, say them.
Tune in next week for the final instalment of Finding God's Will for Your Life.