Finding and Living God's Plan - Part 4
We have covered many topics about how to find God's plan. In the final blog in the series, we talk about the role of the Holy Spirit in revealing God's will and leading us to God's plan.
It is true that we need the Word and prayer and it is also true that we need the Spirit of God to guide us.
Once we have submitted our lives to God and have meditated in His Word, we have to allow ourselves the space and time to hear and be guided by God. This where the person of the Holy Spirit comes in.
The Holy Spirit is described as our comforter, teacher and guide (John 14:26, John 16:1). Often, we don't make good use of the Holy Spirit's guidance. We can become so dependant on our own natural way of thinking that we do not hear what He has to say.
Praying in the Spirit
The truth is that we do not know everything. We cannot possibly know all the factors that govern every single situation. Factors that are external and beyond our control that can only be influenced by God Himself. This is where it is essential to pray in the Spirit. Praying in the Spirit, allows God's supernatural power to come into a situation. It can unlock doors that were closed to you and obstacles that you never knew where there, to disappear. You may be wondering why things are taking so long or why they are so difficult but there could be barriers set in your way that you know nothing about. Praying in the Spirit removes, shifts around and makes changes you will never know how to do yourself. The Bible says that when we pray in the Spirit that we pray the mysteries of God (1 Corinthians 14:2). It also says that when we don't know what to pray, He gives us utterance (Romans 8:26-27).
Have you ever wondered what to pray? Praying in the Spirit is God praying through you the mysteries of God. Isn't God amazing? He doesn't even rely on us for prayer, He helps us even in that area. In fact there is nothing that God has not provided for!
If you are stuck and not moving forward. If you don't know what to do or what to pray, then begin today by praying a few minutes (start small and build it up) in the Holy Spirit and allow God's supernatural power to flow through you and give you revelation.
Praying in the Spirit, enlightens your mind by giving you an interpretation of what you've prayed. We often think of an interpretation as speaking aloud but you can interpret what you prayed in your heart. You may get an interpretation while you are praying or you may receive an interpretation at another time. You could be going about your business and suddenly an impression comes into your heart that you know can only be God.
Praying in the spirit could be the missing link in you hearing with precision the will of God. I say 'hearing' cautiously. We do not aim to hear an audible voice but rather receive an impression in our heart (spirit).
It is ok to pray for yourself?
Have you found it easy to pray for others but not for yourself? Have you thought it self-indulgent to pray for you? Don't. The Bible says that we are to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). It also says that we should not be ignorant but know what the will of the Lord is (Ephesians 5:17). If you do not find out what God's will is for your life you will never know how God can use you to really bless others. Also, we have a duty to God to find out what His will is for our lives. We answer to Him not to others. You are accountable for yourself not someone else and you cannot benefit someone else by not being in God's will. So don't feel that you cannot pray for yourself. You must!
Start today. Spend a few minutes each day praying in the Spirit after you have mediated in the scriptures and delighted in God and after praying the Ephesians prayers. Pray in the Spirit and be open to what God could be saying to you. If you are a submitted heart who wants to find God's will, you will.
Stay blessed.
Love Oceans