4 Things to Do to Get Closer to God
In our busy world our time with God can be limited and not fully intentional. Often we come to God after a need has arisen and quickly get busy again when our needs are met. Sometimes it begs thinking that if we treated our spouse or another loved one this way, would they stand for it?
Yet God doesn't want us to come out of obligation but out of love.
Has the world's busyness made you hardened to God's presence? Have you lost the knack for just coming before Him and having fellowship without having an agenda or being pushed for time?
Here are four practical ways that you can get closer to God. Remember God has not moved. We move, so it's just a case of getting back to where we were so we can hear Him and experience Him.
1. UNPLUG FROM THE WORLD - You will never be able to fully connect with God while you are plugged into this world. From morning to night we are bombarded in our 'natural' senses. As we cannot connect with God through our natural senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste) we must allow our spirit time and space to connect with God. Unless you are accustomed to doing this, it can be very hard to switch from the natural man to the spiritual man without some effort. You have to get quiet. You have to focus on God. You need that space and time to quiet your mind. Whiie you are focusing on everything to do with normal, natural, everyday life you will struggle to get into the spirit. You will remain in the flesh. Switching off phones, TVs, not reading newspapers or listening to the world's view of things will give you that mind space to connect with your spirit.
2. READ MEDITATE, STUDY THE WORD OF GOD - The best way to hear from God is through His Word. God's Word is a spiritual book and as you read it you awaken or allow the spirit man to be strengthened. God's Word is spirit and it is life. It is who He is. As you read His Word you get closer to God because you get to know who He is. It is His instruction manual and His love letter to us. It contains everything we need for life and godliness. It contains all of His promises to us. His Word is Him, so rather than searching for dreams and visions or words of wisdom from people, put the Word first place in your life and see it produce much fruit and draw you closer to who He is.
3. GLORIFY GOD - In Romans 1:21 says, 'Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.' So if when we know God but do not glorify Him or are not thankful we become vain in our imaginations and our hearts are darkened, surely the reverse would happen we DO glorify God and we ARE thankful. In Psalm 103:2 it says that we should bless the Lord and FORGET not all of His benefits. It also warns us in Deuteronomy 8 multiple times not to forget the Lord our God. Why? Because when we forget we become hardened. When we forget that our success and privileges come from Him, we forget that He is the author of our blessings. If God is not the author then we become the author (in our minds) and we slowly push God out of our lives thinking we don't need Him. To get close to God we must glorify Him, we must thank Him and we must magnify Him over every situation. That puts Him in first place and keeps our heart soft towards Him. Hardness of heart is a major reason for not being able to get close to God. By keeping our hearts soft we keep Him close. Also, magnifying Him shrinks the problem. If you are so focused on God, I guarantee you your problem will pale into insignificance.
4. DRAW NEAR TO HIM - The Bible says that if draw near to Hm He will draw near to us (James 4:8). In fact it says that a contrite or broken spirit He will not turn away (Psalm 51:17). So making that first move and taking that first step towards God is vital. God is a gentleman. He will wait for you to come to Him but He will respond with love when you do. Like any relationship, our relationship with God has to be nurtured. It has to be worked on. It takes some time and effort but with love it becomes effortless.
God is waiting for you with open arms. He is not ready to reject you. He does not even see what you have done or haven't done. He just sees Jesus when He sees you. So come to Him all who are weary and heavy laden and He will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).
Love Oceans