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God is Our Rock

To find out more about how to trust God in good and bad times read the blog below.

Say out loud - “I trust God with my whole heart, only God, I believe what He says about me, my welfare, my health, my provision, my wealth, my protection, my favour, my wisdom, my source, He is my rock, He is my stronghold, He is my salvation.”

God says we are healed, we are saved, we are provided for, no matter what! He is our Saviour, our provider, our healer.

He tells us that if we seek Him first, spend time with Him, apply His Word, live according to His Word, put Him, His Word and His will for us above everything in our lives including sickness, poverty, fear, anxiety and stress, then everything, absolutely everything we need will be given to us in more than enough quantities, in too much for us and our families quantities so we can overflow and give to others including healing, peace, joy, everything we would need for an excellent life.

Matthew 6:33 "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."

Stay close to Him and believe in Him and His ability and willingness to do what He said He would – any thoughts that would raise their head against His Words, His answers, His wisdom, cast them down immediately.

2 Corinthians 10:5 "casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ"
James 4:7 A"Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you."

God only has good things for us. Bad or even sometimes good things will try to tempt us to think differently but God says to trust in Him with our whole heart and not to listen to our own understanding.

Listen to Him, give all to Him, He is ever faithful, ever true, ever merciful – what a mighty, marvellous, amazing God we serve!

Say out loud again - “I trust God with my whole heart, only God, I believe what He says about me, my welfare, my health, my provision, my wealth, my protection, my favour, my wisdom, my source, He is my rock, He is my stronghold, He is my salvation.”

Have a truly blessed week.

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