Our God Whom We Serve Is Able To Deliver Us
Read the blog below to learn about how willing and able God is to deliver us from sickness, sin and poverty.
There is nothing that God cannot deliver us from. Sickness, peril, danger, poverty, hate, devil, demons, life, death, NOTHING!!
Read Romans 8:35-39
Know that the creator of everything everywhere lives in us, and if we take the time to get to know Him and if we will let Him, He will deliver us and keep us in peace.
To have the Peace of God guard, stand over, watch out for, permit none to enter our hearts is the most amazing promise.
Read Philippians 4:7
God only requires us to believe Him. His Word is true, His Word is powerful and so is ours if we will believe it, see it, say it – boldly declare ALL that He says in the face of adversity, in the midst of trouble, in the depths of depression and it WILL come to pass!!
Say out loud “I have a covenant of peace with Almighty God that can never be shaken – Even if the mountains are removed and the hills shake, God says His loving kindness, His care, His watchfulness, His provision, His peace will not be removed or shaken from me! God has compassion on me! Praise God for He is good! I will rest in Him, safe and secure knowing that all is well!”
Have a truly blessed week resting in Him